Tag Archives: soil monitor


Keep accurate time using Real Time Clock (RTC)

The Arduino board can keep time using millis() which increment from boot up till shutdown, then it will start over again. But what if we needed to keep time indefinitely, independently whether the board is switched on or off? What if we don’t want millis() but we want the year, month, day and time? How do we compensate for leap years? No worries. We are fortunate enough to have the… Read Article →

Moisture Sensor

Plants Monitor – Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor

You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Do you have a plant in the living room which you often forget to water? I know, I know you often forget about it. So before it becomes yellow and dries more than the Sahhara, follow this tutorial and build a little soil monitoring project. The Plants Monitor will help you remember to water your little plant by flashing an… Read Article →