You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link The greatest thing that happened after the introduction of Arduino was the Evothings + Cordova framework. Evothings workbench is both a framework and a just in time debugger. It uses Cordova in its core, and its programming language is the notorious Javascript. Applications are written in HTML/CSS for their GUI and Javascript for their logic, yes just like a website…. Read Article →
Monthly Archives: November 2016

Messing with WiFi protocol, Esp8266 and fake APs
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link I was browsing the internet on a rainy day, and stumbled upon some cool stuff. The ESP8266, apart from being a super chip, which can be turned into a station and an access point, it can also do some weird stuff at the lowest possible level on the WiFi protocol. wifi_send_pkt_freedom() is a function built in Arduino Core… Read Article →