You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link In this tutorial we present a method of measuring the distance between an Arduino and nearby objects. It is of particular use for automated robots for giving them ‘eyes’ to look out for nearby objects, measure the distances between them, and acting upon that distance. We present the HC-SR04 range finder sensor The cheap sensors normally have 2 cylindrical objects… Read Article →
Tag Archives: UNO
Arduino Beginner’s Course Lesson 1- Introduction to Arduino
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link This tutorial is the first from a series of tutorials for absolute beginners on Arduino. We at Runtime Projects feel that beginners should not struggle to get started with Arduino. In light of this, we are inviting all our visitors to follow this short course, and if we can help in any way, please use our contact form… Read Article →
A Lightning Detector for Arduino
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link In this tutorial, we will build a lightning detector using an Arduino Uno, a few resistors and some jumper wires. Most lightning detectors often cost too much for the normal hobbyist, however this does not mean one cannot enjoy lightning detection and the physics behind it. In this tutorial, using a surprisingly simple circuit we will be able… Read Article →
Arduino Frequency Counter with 16×2 LCD Display
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link Recently, a friend of mine had an issue with his car’s ECU and needed a frequency counting device. The solution was a device to determine the pulse frequency emitted by the ECU against the rev counter. So, the device had to have the ability to read digital pulses, between 1v – 5v, which are then interpreted by a… Read Article →