Evothings – Part 1 Setup
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The greatest thing that happened after the introduction of Arduino was the Evothings + Cordova framework. Evothings workbench is both a framework and a just in time debugger. It uses Cordova in its core, and its programming language is the notorious Javascript. Applications are written in HTML/CSS for their GUI and Javascript for their logic, yes just like a website. That’s the kind of simplicity we are talking about. No Java complexity. Just Javascript, the language of the web. Let’s start.
We need to install some prerequisites for Evothings to work. Don’t be afraid it won’t take long.
1) Nodejs
First off we need to download and install Node.js from Nodejs.org. Then bring up the CMD and check whether the installation was successful by running
node --version
You should get the version number of the nodejs you have just installed.
2) Next, install Cordova.
This is a piece of cake. Simply run the following in CMD
npm install -g cordova
Test it out with
cordova --version
You should see the version number of Cordova, if it was successfully installed.
3) OK now let’s install Evothings
First, visit https://evothings.com/download/ and download the Evothings workbench. Install the workbench and run it. It will ask you for a Cloud Token which you can get from the download link.
Next, go to the android play store or apple store and download the Evothings viewer.
Now in order to connect your phone with the workbench you need to have both devices connected to the internet.
That done, go to the workbench Connect tab. Hit the Get Key button, and enter the returned key on your phone’s Evothings viewer.
Hit connect on the phone and all is done. After a while you should see the connected page on your phone.
Try testing the setup before proceeding further. For testing go to the Examples tab on the workbench and choose a project and hit run. You should immediately see an application popping to life on your phone.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed Evothings. Now let’s get to business and start producing amazing mobile apps.
We will create a new application in Part 2 of this series. Stay tuned!