You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Libraries are an essential part in the Arduino world. They are what makes Arduino so easy to use. Libraries are written to encapsulate complex functions and expose them as simple function calls to the user. For example to switch a pixel on and off in an LED monitor. This is relatively very complex but, fortunately some folks at Adafruit created… Read Article →
Tag Archives: Arduino
Plants Monitor – Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Do you have a plant in the living room which you often forget to water? I know, I know you often forget about it. So before it becomes yellow and dries more than the Sahhara, follow this tutorial and build a little soil monitoring project. The Plants Monitor will help you remember to water your little plant by flashing an… Read Article →
Arduino Beginner’s Course Lesson 4– Reading and Writing Pin Values
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link In previous lessons we used the digitalWrite to write to a pin or more precisely to switch a pin on and off. That is the simplest way of using a pin. In this lesson we will go though reading and writing values to pins both digital and analog. So we need to settle somethings straight before we proceed here. Digital… Read Article →
Arduino Beginner’s Course Lesson 3– Using the Serial Library
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link The Serial library is one of the most widely used library in Arduino development. The serial communication provides a simple communication interface to the PC or any other device that accepts connections over serial protocol. Throughout this course and some of the projects we post, Serial will be used to output either debug data or factual data. Debug data is… Read Article →
Arduino Beginner’s Course Lesson 2– Introduction to Arduino part 2
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link In this lesson we will go through the Arduino language. We’ll cover programming basics and introduce some of the libraries provided by Arduino. The Arduino Language is very similar to C. It’s almost the same language but Arduino provides us with several libraries to make things a bit easier. If you have absolutely no knowledge of any programming language I… Read Article →
A Lightning Detector for Arduino
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link In this tutorial, we will build a lightning detector using an Arduino Uno, a few resistors and some jumper wires. Most lightning detectors often cost too much for the normal hobbyist, however this does not mean one cannot enjoy lightning detection and the physics behind it. In this tutorial, using a surprisingly simple circuit we will be able… Read Article →
Arduino Frequency Counter with 16×2 LCD Display
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link Recently, a friend of mine had an issue with his car’s ECU and needed a frequency counting device. The solution was a device to determine the pulse frequency emitted by the ECU against the rev counter. So, the device had to have the ability to read digital pulses, between 1v – 5v, which are then interpreted by a… Read Article →
Arduino and OLED based Cellular Automata
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link This project uses an I2C 128×64 OLED to display a tiny cellular automata powered by Arduino Nano. Prerequisites 2x half size breadboard (ebay) (or 1x standard) 1x Arduino Nano (ebay) (can be Uno as well) 1x OLED I2C 128×64 (ebay) 4x Jumper Wires (ebay) Assumptions During this tutorial I will assume that you know what an Arduino is (o_O) and… Read Article →