You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Last time you learned how to connect the ESP8266 to a WiFi network and download data from a URL. Today we will explore a way to listen to connections just like a server; a web server in fact. The ESP will listen for connections on port 80 and will serve simple pages to connected clients. For this example, a different… Read Article →

ESP8266 Tutorial Part 2 – Connect to WiFi and Download from the Internet
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link In part one of this series, we gave an introduction to the ESP8266, setting the IDE and the circuitry needed to get started. In this post, we will go through some basic software capabilities particularly connecting to a WiFi network, and establishing a connection to a web server to download data. The ESP8266 is not an Arduino, it is only… Read Article →

The ESP8266 – A Tutorial – Part 1 Environment Setup
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Introduction The Internet of Things is a relatively new concept in the world of electronics. It was also quite expensive and maybe even unreachable by some hobbyists. The introduction of the ESP8266 changed that perception forever. Being first designed as a simple Serial WiFi adapter; today it is the most common IoT device among electronic hobbyists and hackers alike. The… Read Article →

Arduino Bluetooth Tutorial HC-05
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Bluetooth has been around for quite a while now. Being a common way to communicate with mobile phones, it was only natural to include this protocol in the Arduino arena. Bluetooth is typically a low power, medium range device, in fact it can reach up to 10 meters. Bluetooth operates on the same frequencies as WiFi, 2.4Ghz.Connections are normally one… Read Article →

A Smart Night Lamp for Kids
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino from Scratch’ from this link Few weeks ago I heard my nephew (aged 7) complaining of the dark at night. Basically he was afraid 🙂 So I decided to put knowledge into practice and build a night lamp for kids. Since the project was intended for kids, I thought of making the lamp change color every now and then. It should also be… Read Article →

Solar Power your Arduino
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Solar panels or solar cells are becoming extremely popular as an alternative source of energy to power an Arduino. There are the 2 major setups which serve different purposes. First, the Arduino board can be powered directly from a solar panel or a set of solar panels. Secondly, and the more robust approach is to install a battery pack along… Read Article →

Arduino Beginner’s Course Lesson 6– Reading Sensor Data – Temperature TMP36
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link During this lesson, we will go through the process of reading sensor data, the TMP36 temperature sensor to be precise. First lets describe the sensor in more detail. The TMP36 (ebay) has a linear voltage to temperature output meaning there is no error correction to be calculated from our end, the sensor handles it brilliantly on its own. The following… Read Article →

LightBlue Bean – Zero Wires
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link Can you think of a device, which has a builtin 3v CR2032 battery, very small and portable, can run for over a month on a single battery and has a builtin BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) device? No? We have!! The LightBlue Bean has all the features mentioned above and more… much more. First of all, this tiny device can be… Read Article →

Arduino 433Mhz RF Wireless Data Transfer
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link The most practical and cool way of sharing data from 1 Arduino to another is by far using a radio transmitter and receiver. The simplest form of wireless transmission (I could find) is the 433Mhz ASK modules. They come in pairs, a receiver and a transmitter. They are ridiculously cheap, selling at $1 or less a pair!! These modules provide… Read Article →

Arduino Ultrasonic Range Finder – HC-SR04
You can download our e-book ‘Learn Arduino’ from this link In this tutorial we present a method of measuring the distance between an Arduino and nearby objects. It is of particular use for automated robots for giving them ‘eyes’ to look out for nearby objects, measure the distances between them, and acting upon that distance. We present the HC-SR04 range finder sensor The cheap sensors normally have 2 cylindrical objects… Read Article →